- Collapse on to couch for half an hour, sighing and moaning about tomorrow's work day, which will commence in a little over twelve hours
- Cajole myself into going to the gym
- Put on gym clothes, flop back on the couch
- Flick on the TV and scroll through 150 channels, only to realize that there is nothing that will hold my interest. Come to think of it, last time I checked, I don't even like TV
- Get up and slump over the computer. Check my e-mail, browse online catalogs
- Eat
- Look at the time. Realize it's almost bedtime and feel a sense of disappointment that my evening was fairly useless. Again
- Read something
- Sleep
And what do you do after job, when arrive at home?
As for me, after work I try to do something, which let me forget about day routin. I meet with my girlfriend or friends, watch a good film or listen good music(lounge or chillout) and try to relax.
You prefer rest more than different activities?
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